HomeBodyHow to stay healthy at work

How to stay healthy at work

Where thousands of years ago we would’ve spent our days hunting for sustenance,
nowadays we spend endless hours tackling spreadsheets. And this sedentary
lifestyle is killing us. Literally. According to the WHO, our inactiveness is responsible
for killing up to 2 million people every year, making it one of top ten causes of death
This is, of course, only a recently evolved phenomenon. We don’t need to go back all
the way to the cave man days, even just a hundred years we were far more active
than we are today. It could be argued that human beings aren’t naturally lazy, but if
you give us the chance then we are biologically programmed to search out the
easiest option – whether that be ordering food to our sofas or kicking back in our
gaming chair.
There are many risks connected with our sedentary behaviour, which some experts
have coined the ‘sitting epidemic’. Not only do we spend up to a third of our lives sat
in front of computers at work in our offices, but this is compounded by the fact that
the vast majority of people then go home to spend the evening doing the exact same
thing they spent all day doing.


Not moving enough can double the risk of having a heart attack as well as lead to
diabetes, and obesity, and plenty of other illnesses including depression and anxiety.
Have you ever wondered why you might feel demotivated or tired? Unhealthy food,
no exercise and a work/life imbalance are the main reasons why you feel like this.
But life doesn’t have to be like this. If we can responsibilities for our lives, then we
can not only change the way we feel but also the way we look.

  • Are you sick of feeling tired all of the time?
  • Would you like to get more energy in your daily life?
  • Do you finally want to feel comfortable in your body?
Did you know you can change your life by taking one simple step? You just have to
stop thinking and start doing – today!

So the goal is to adopt a healthy lifestyle – but how to you start?

7 tips for staying fit at work:

  • 1) Break it down into smaller chunks/pieces: don’t forget that the day has 24
    hours. So if you can’t fit it in the morning or a 1-hour gym session then don’t
    underestimate the power of staying active over course of the day. Challenge
    yourself to find time, 30 seconds of burpees here, 10 reps of push-ups there.
  • 2) Make yourself a priority – there are no meetings or emails in the world
    which are more important than you are! If you are willing to make time for
    somebody else, in this case your company, then you have to be willing to
    make time for yourself too.
  • 3) Get as many steps as possible – whether that be taking the stairs instead of
    the elevator or walking to work, getting plenty of steps will help to both reduce
    stress and burn calories.
  • 4) Have a protein-rich meal for lunch (ideally outside the office!) – this will
    not only leave you feeling less bloated and susceptible to that dreaded
    afternoon slump but also gives your body what it needs to maintain and build
  • 5) Find an accountability partner – if you’re able to find a trusted colleague
    who you can share your get fit plan with then you’ll have someone to keep
    you on track when things get tough.
  • 6) Drink plenty of water – ideally 2.5 litres per day. Water helps boost energy
    and alleviates tiredness. As your brain primarily consists of water, consuming
    it enhances your cognitive abilities and increases alertness.
  • 7) Get a balance disc for your chair – enhance your core strength and posture
    while maintaining a comfortable seated position.

Feel free to complete this list, print it off and check off each challenge as you go
– mini wins through the day will keep you on track!



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